Spring in Mitterteich – A qualitative analysis of critical positions, epistemic struggles and discursive dynamics during the COVID-19 pandemic
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Spring in Mitterteich (SiM) – A qualitative analysis of critical positions, epistemic struggles and discursive dynamics during the COVID-19 pandemic
The SiM project seeks to explore and generate deeper understanding of the epistemic struggles during the corona pandemic focusing on doubt, critique and resistance against the political measures taken to ‘flatten the curve’. Aiming at a differentiated outlining of what kind of doubt and critique is expressed and expressible against the background of massively intervening political measures during a biomedical emergency the project conducts a case study. It draws on material (social media response, interviews, policy papers, statements of politicians, news coverage) relating to the incidences in the Bavarian town Mitterteich in spring 2020, reconstructing the ‘discursive dynamics of doubt and critique’ by means of discourse and metaphor analysis.
Comic project
We are more than happy to announce that our participative comic project („Frühling in Stadt 0“) has been accepted by Volkswagen Stiftung! In autumn we can start to search for an illustrator and intensify our cooperations with cultural institutions like International Comic Salon, Theater Erlangen and KunstKulturQuartier.
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Podcast feature:
With a small feature at the end of the first episode we are represented in the podcast „Distanzbesuch“.
Upcoming presentation:
Böhrer, A.: „Masken der COVID-19-Pandemie als materielle Metaphern“, Risikodinge – Materialisierungen des Alter(n)s in einer Risikogesellschaft, Gerontologie- und Geriatriekongress, Frankfurt, am 14.09.22.
Sociology meets theatre (German article)
We are happy to start our cooperation with Bürgerbühne / „Maskenball“, a production of Theater Erlangen, which approaches the pandemic everyday life together with citizens of Erlangen.
We would like to thank the FAU Unibund for the support!
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Project members
Maria Bahn
Funded by: Volkswagen Stiftung
Duration: 2021-2023
- In autumn we start our participative comic project „Frühling in Stadt 0“ (engl.: „Spring in Town Zero“) supported by additional funds for science communication from VW-Stiftung
- With a small feature at the end of the first episode we are represented in the podcast „Distanzbesuch“.
- Follow us on Twitter „Kulturtechnikerin“
- Soziologie trifft Theater
- Interview with Marie-Kristin Döbler (FAU.de)
- Interview with Marie-Kristin Döbler (Hersbrucker Zeitung: „Da ist Unmut drin“, 5.11.2021).
- Marie-Kristin Döbler has been part of the public panel discussion „life during the pandemic“: Leben mit der Pandemie
- Böhrer, A.: „Masken der COVID-19-Pandemie als materielle Metaphern“, Risikodinge – Materialisierungen des Alter(n)s in einer Risikogesellschaft, Gerontologie- und Geriatriekongress, Frankfurt, am 14.09.22.
- Böhrer/Döbler: „Frühling in Mitterteich“. Discussion of empirical data in Neuere Forschungen und Forschungspraxis im Bereich qualitativer Methoden (Renate Liebold), 23.06.22, Erlangen/Germany.
- Böhrer/Döbler: On stage. Reflections on a theatre cooperation. Science Studies Symposium, Collaboration as Social Practice, 09.-10.06. 2022, Helsinki/Finland.
- Böhrer/Döbler: Frühling in Stadt 0. Erste Ideen für einen Wissenschaftscomic. Oberseminar Neuere Forschung aus den Sozial- und Kulturtheorien (Silke Steets/Larissa Pfaller), 06.02.2022, Erlangen/Germany.
- Böhrer/Döbler: „Frühling in Mitterteich“. Discussion of empirical data in Neuere Forschungen und Forschungspraxis im Bereich qualitativer Methoden (Renate Liebold), 11.11.2021 Erlangen/Germany.
- Böhrer/Döbler: „Frühling in Mitterteich“. Project presentation in Neuere Forschungen und Forschungspraxis im Bereich qualitativer Methoden (Renate Liebold), 13.07.2021 Erlangen/Germany.

Böhrer, A./Döbler, M-K./Pfaller, L.: „The locked city. Reconstructing narratives of (In)Justice in Mitterteich during the COVID-19 pandemic“ (working title), in: Richard Hölzl, Andrew Gross, Silke Schicktanz (ed.): Narrating Pandemics: Transdisciplinary Approaches to Representations of Communicable Disease (working title).