Study-Advisory at the Institute
One-Subbject und Two-Subject-Bachelor (First- and Second-Subject)
Department Sozialwissenschaften und PhilosophiePD Dr. Gerd Sebald
Institut für Soziologie
Tue 10:30-12:30, Room 2.033
To book an appointment please use the online-calender on StudOn in the group „Studienfachberatung Bachelor/Master Soziologie ab 1.10.2019“. First you need to join the group. After choosing the link “Sprechstunde Gerd Sebald” under the calender you can reserve a timeslot. (Please don’t forget to confirm your booking.) Please choose the desired mode of your appointment: on site, on zoom or via phone (please add your phone number). If you choose Zoom as option, you will receive a link shortly before your appointment. You can only choose the proposed dates. If you can’t attend them please write me an email.
Masters Programm, Minor Subjects, Study Times Extensions:
Department Sozialwissenschaften und PhilosophiePD Dr. Gerd Sebald
Institut für Soziologie
Tue 10:30-12:30, Room 2.033
To book an appointment please use the online-calender on StudOn in the group „Studienfachberatung Bachelor/Master Soziologie ab 1.10.2019“. First you need to join the group. After choosing the link “Sprechstunde Gerd Sebald” under the calender you can reserve a timeslot. (Please don’t forget to confirm your booking.) Please choose the desired mode of your appointment: on site, on zoom or via phone (please add your phone number). If you choose Zoom as option, you will receive a link shortly before your appointment. You can only choose the proposed dates. If you can’t attend them please write me an email.
Erasmus und Exchange Studies
Department Sozialwissenschaften und PhilosophieProf. Dr. Aida Bosch
Institut für Soziologie
Teaching Degrees (LAGS, LAHS, LARS, LAGY):
Department Sozialwissenschaften und PhilosophieDr. Ronald Staples
Institut für Soziologie
Room 5.021, in Erlangen, appoinment per email has to be made
Room 0.018, at the Campus in Nürnberg appoinment per email has to be made